Hip Fractures

One of the most serious fall injuries is a broken hip. It is hard to recover from a hip fracture and afterward many people are not able to live on their own.  According to Centers for Disease Control and prevention each year over 300,000 seniors are hospitalized for hip fractures and more then 95% are caused by falling.  Women experience more hip fractures than men and the chances of breaking your hip goes up as you age.


  • Talk to your doctor or health care practitioner.
  • Review medications with your doctor or pharmacist
  • Look at ways to reduce your risk for falls
  • Get screened for osteoporosis
  • Follow prescribed exercise programs
  • Regular eye tests
  • Safety screen your home
  • Ensure adequate lighting in pathways in and outside the home


The Canadian Orthopedic Foundation says the best way to recover from a hip fracture is to get moving as soon as possible.  Significant complications may result if a patient remains immobile such as blood clots, pneumonia and bedsores.  There are a number of ways to accomplish this, starting with realistic goals and professional support. Successful recovery can begin by meeting with a physiotherapist who can prescribe exercises and help you fit your home for safety.

Ortho Connect is a free, phone-based peer support program that matches you or a caregiver with trained volunteers who have already undergone similar surgery. These volunteers provide a practical, view of what to expect and how to prepare.  They are available pre-surgery and throughout your recovery process. Ortho Connect is available to anyone who has been referred for any orthopaedic treatment, anywhere in Canada.  They will match you based on your treatment and location, typically within two days.

To access Ortho Connect, call the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation at 1-800-461-3639, or visit www.orthoconnect.org for accurate, up-to-date information about bone and joint health.

Booklet link:

When It Hurts To Move.org

Oasis – Vancouver Coastal also has a great booklet, see link below




Vancouver Coastal Health and their partners have put together a fantastic information booklet called “Fresh Start”.  This guide is full of helpful information for patient and caregivers.


Adaptive equipment & supplies for home care are available to loan, rent or purchase, here are a few resources we have used and recommended to our clients.

Red Cross, short and long-term loan programs


Davies Home Health Care

North Vancouver – 604 985 8771

Squamish – 604 567 6604


Macdonald’s Prescriptions & Medical Supplies

604 872 2662



Physio2u – 778 846 7694

Greater Vancouver & Fraser Valley


When family and friends are not able or available to help out on your return home often times home care assistance is recommended.

The Homecare West team is here to help you return home with confidence starting with our Nursing Coordinator visit, setting you up for a successful recovery. She will help design a care plan for you beginning with a visit to your home, recommending equipment and supplies needed and setting up a schedule of qualified Home Care Assistants to support your needs.  As your recovery progresses and needs change you, your doctor and your family can decide your next steps.

Call or email us

available 24 hours a day!

604 924 5455

[email protected]

Suite 330 – 233 West First Street

North Vancouver British Columbia

V7M 1B3

Helping Seniors Live At Home Since 2004

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